Setting up a Function-level Tracing

Function-level tracing enriches your timeline with timings of individual function and method calls.

Depending on your build process, there are several ways of setting up the function-level tracing.

Babel Plugin#

One way of setting a function-level tracing up is using a Babel plugin.

1. Install The Babel Plugin#

yarn add --dev


npm i --save-dev

2. Add The Plugin to Your .babelrc File#

"plugins": [""]

Check the complete source code of an example ExpressJS project traced with Babel plugin here

TypeScript Transformer#

One way of setting a function-level tracing up is using a TypeScript transformer. This is probably the easiest way to set it up for projects built with just a tsc command.

1. Install Transformer Typescript (ttypescript) Wrapper for Your Typescript Compiler#

Read more on the ttypescript package here

yarn add --dev ttypescript


npm i --save-dev ttypescript

2. Install the Recap.Dev Typescript Transformer#

yarn add --dev


npm i --save-dev

3. Add the Transformer to Your tsconfig.json File#

"compilerOptions": {
"plugins": [{
"transform": ""

4. Modify Your Build Script to Use ttsc Instead of tsc#

Use the ttsc and ttserver commands instead of tsc and tserver respectively to automatically apply the TypeScript transformer.

Check the complete source code of an example ExpressJS project traced with TypeScript transformer here