Start a Recap.Dev Server server is available as a docker image so it's easy to start it wherever you host your applications. It's also available as an AMI so it's easier to start using on AWS.

Using a Docker Image#

Recap.Dev server is available as a docker image at Docker Hub.

There are only two prerequisites to start a docker image on your server:

  • docker
  • docker-compose

We recommend starting with the latest docker-compose.yml published in the server repository.

To start your server just type in two following commands:

curl -o docker-compose.yaml

This command will download recommended docker-compose.yml to your current directory

docker-compose up -d

This command will start a server in a detached mode.

Default UI port is 8081 and default tracing port is 8080.

Using AWS AMI#

  1. Go to AWS console

  2. Go to EC2

  3. Click launch and search community AMIs for the latest AMI

  4. Default UI port is 8081 and default tracing port is 8080. Make them available through a security group settings to your team and your applications.

Next step is tracing your application